“How” We Believe

Want to know who you’re supporting? We don’t blame you.
Here’s a bit about what we believe and how we put beliefs into practice.

Diversifying & Representation

We recognize and support dancers of all genders, sizes, and level of experience. We are working to hire and promote teachers of diverse backgrounds, and strive to be inclusive and welcoming to people of all ages, races, and origins.


Supporting Artists

We support artists by paying for their work and giving credit. All music is licensed and all teachers are compensated. Scholarships are awarded for our offerings and we support local businesses and vendors that support workers’ rights.


Cultivating Growth

We support a growth-mindset learning environment in our movement classes and as a company. Education materials encourage progressive learning while our team continually works to identify ways we can improve.


Learning & Sharing

We encourage access to education and information by offering free classes, developing educational posts that are shared weekly, and extending scholarship and financial aid for our events.


Embracing Sustainability

We consider the environmental impact of our actions and support renewable energy, seek out eco-friendly processes and supplies, and support employees in their efforts to reduce their impact on the earth.


Supporting our Staff

Our staff is the reason our vision becomes a reality. We support our team with a living wage, benefits, and opportunities for growth. We demand excellence from ourselves and constantly strive to improve.